Friday, December 17, 2010

Holiday Preparations

Our holidays will be quieter than usual this year, for at least a couple of reasons.

First, there is the fact that we are all by ourselves in Northern New Mexico, a long way from any family or friends.  So, there will just be the two of us . . . a small group for partying, to be sure.

The other cause for quiet celebrations is that Susan will have her left knee operated upon two days before Christmas, and she will probably be somewhat limited as to revelry.  The official diagnosis is in - she tore the meniscus in that knee at the end of October, and arthroscopic surgery is recommended.  So, the surgery should not be invasive, and recovery should be speedy, but caution is advised.  No more pain and no more cane!.  YYIIPPEE!!!!!!  What a merry Christmas!  It will be more comfortable than this one a couple of years ago when she broke her ankle, but not as much fun, missing all of the wonderful folks who helped us celebrate not only Christmas but LynnRae Lowe and Frank Kramer's birthdays on Christmas eve!

Yesterday we went to Espanola for her pre-op work-ups at the local hospital (though the surgery will be done in Santa Fe).  While there we bought some greens and such and did a little decorating when we got back to the house.  Susan also decided to prepare some eggplant lasagne to freeze for Christmas dinner, and she chopped up some chard to saute for the dish (she really looks eager to get started, doesn't she).

David found that, as usual, the greens Susan had arranged and put in front of the fireplace were lovely but not in quite the right place, so he made an adjustment.

You may see through the window that we had a little snow yesterday, and it continued to snow lightly through the night.  By morning we had perhaps two inches, but it was enough to wet things down a little, which is good because it has been very dry and dusty here.

1 comment:

Gloria said...

May all go quickly and easily for Susan's surgery with a honeymoon Christmas to follow - looks like it may be a white one, too!