Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Have you ever bent a spoon?

We had a great trip south last week, had 3 nights in a hotel room twice the size of the motor home and slept in a king-sized bed!  Got all frozen up by our new dermatologist - Rosie Chattha; had a terrific lunch with Cassie Vieten (the head of research at IONS) - boy, is she ever so smart! Saw my great Dr. Joe who is fixing a stubborn shoulder and neck, and did a spoon bending "Star Party" for the Libras at the very very beautiful IONS campus in Petaluma.  Nearly everyone at the party was able to bend their spoon using  the "Jack Hauck" process:  1.  Concentration and calling in the energy of the Universe 2.  Setting intention and 3.  Letting go and letting the Universe do its thing.  This was the first time that I tied a fork and spoon together - take a look!
Many people will tell you that this spoon bending thing is a "magic" trick - and, I suppose it is if you consider your own "power" to be magic.....it was fun....try it some time, if I can do it, so can you!!  Call me and I will coach you through the process - the larger the group, the greater the success it seems....

We are still stunned by the trees - this one made me put on the brakes and stop right in the middle of the road - it is huge and is on the way to Judith Bayer's house (she is THE world's greatest acupuncturist and a really neat woman to boot).  I rushed home and got David so he could stand in front of it.  Amazing, no??
We are getting ready to welcome Angela Murphy and beau Mark this weekend (Angela works at IONS) and is one delightful person...and, we 4 are invited to a really traditional tea ceremony at Shirley Freriks' house on Sunday!  We are working at the Ford House on Fri and Sat this week and next then are done - wow - this summer really flew by.  We will be at the IONS campus to experience the World View Literacy Program the weekend of the 29th then will drive up to Portland to meet the Goldens - do the "Passing of the Keys" to the motor home ceremony then will head to Salt Lake City to change out clothes, hug John & Sutton and off to Abiquiu we go to spend some time with  Georgia O'Keeffe (niece Patricia recommended "Full Bloom:  The Art and Life of Georgia O'Keeffe" by Hunter Drohojowska-Philp which we bought and I have just started).

BTW - "Eat, Pray, Love" is a delight and so is the book...  I highly recommend it!  Hugs to you all!!

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